"The hospitality and catering industry has its traditions. Modernisation is not on the cards."
This is what a rather dismissive journalist said to Martin, our content manager, when he introduced him to Bowo. We can’t really blame the journalist, after all it’s a fairly common misconception.
But, at Bowo we’re not really into ‘conventional wisdom’.
And this was like a red rag to a bull for our Martin. Picture him one Monday morning, working from home, he questioned our whole team, his contacts and Google, frantically looking for start-ups in the French hospitality and catering industry. And his efforts were rewarded (cue heavenly music). A few puffs on his electronic cigarette later, hey presto, he had put together a list of 67 brand names, which we decided to share with you!
PMS, HMS, housekeeping, revenue management, upsell, e-concierges, network providers, news, automation solutions, etc.: these 67 names are the essential start-ups and tech, companies that we believe in and that are ahead of the market.
Obviously, these include some of our competitors. #fairplay
Sure, we could have put them in an Excel table that would ruin your eyesight, but where’s the fun in that? We thought a Paris metro map would be … less traditional!
The list is in no way exhaustive.

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